Rotary Park, at the corner of Main and Lansing Streets in Mendocino, is now protected from commercial development and has become a popular venue for community events. Contact us to find out how to reserve Rotary Park for your event!
8/16/18 Visit with District Governor Barbara Spangler
Pres Gary opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Thought for the Day: “Don’t think, try.” “Ready, fire, aim.” Thanks, Jerry! “Great works are not accomplished by strength, but by perseverance.” Guests/Visiting Rotarians: District Governor Barbara Spangler and Assistant [...]
7/12/18 Sheriff Tom Allman
7/12/18 Rotary Meeting Prez Gary Hopper opened with the pledge, and a song led by John Porter The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of a mistake. Visiting Rotarians: Sheriff Tom Allman, and Tom Honer Today’s Program [...]
6/21/18 Donna’s last meeting as Prez!
President Donna opened our meeting with words of gratitude for our support during her year as President. Guests: Wayne and Lynn Jorgeson, visiting from Ventura Rotary. LaDonna and Rick McDonald are here from Arizona. Thought of the Day: [...]
5/3/18 Victory Gardens for Peace – Matt Drewno
Prez Donna opened our meeting with the Pledge. Thought of the Day: Shirley Chisholm "You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas.: Guests: Chris Thomas, and Matt Drewno. Today's [...]
4/12/18 Worker Bees
President Donna Schuler opened today's meeting with an invitation to enjoy our meals and each other's company. Guest today: Matt Drewno - works at Stanford Inn and Ecology Action, a nonprofit in Willits, where they are starting a new [...]
8/17/17, The Solar Eclipse
Prez Donna opened our meeting with the pledge, and a rousing rendition of God Bless America led by John Porter. Guest: Autumn Gillen Happy Dollars: Jerry is happy that his son’s alma mater is honoring his son as [...]