Pres Gary opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thought for the Day: “Don’t think, try.” “Ready, fire, aim.” Thanks, Jerry! “Great works are not accomplished by strength, but by perseverance.”
Guests/Visiting Rotarians: District Governor Barbara Spangler and Assistant DG Art Juhl.
Today’s program:
Barb talked about this year’s Rotary theme, which includes an image of a wave. Water is a force of nature, and so is Rotary. The second element of the logo is a heart, because there’s a heart at the center of Rotary. The third element is a spinnaker leading the way and catching more wind. The theme is Be The Inspiration.
Our District theme is to take being the inspiration, and figuring out how to apply that locally. “Do What Matters” is our District 5130 theme.
Barb shared examples of Doing What Matters in the wake of the recent wildfires, providing grants to help fire victims replace the implements of their trades.
Today’s work:
Saturday 8/18 is our Annual Golf Tournament! We discussed details of the event in great detail.
From now on, our meetings will be held at Mendocino Hotel. Our Board meeting this month will be Friday, 7/31, at Mendocino Hotel.
Next regular meeting will be 9/6/18 at the Mendocino Hotel.
Pedal for Polio is coming up; if every member can support John C with $65/member, that would help us finish the End Polio Now campaign.
Happy Dollars
Heather is happy for this glorious sunshine (NOT!)
Harold is happy that his grandson who was diagnosed at 2 years old with liver cancer, survived the cancer; he is now starting his junior year of high school and is brilliant!
John P put in happy dollars for Harold’s grandson
Roger is happy about his anniversary — 57 years!!
Ray is happy for Gary getting us organized for the weekend
Raffle drawing: you can go for what’s in the bag, or try to draw the joker.
Barb bought $20 of raffle tickets for the golf tournament. Thanks, Barb!
Barbara ended our meeting with a presentation of a plaque to Gary in thanks for choosing to lead.
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