April 3 Program: Water Supply in Asia and the Pacific – Jeff Stubbs, Mendocino Rotarian


Credit for all photos: Guenter Riegler

Mendocino Area Parks Supervisor Loren Rex

Following months of demolition and habitat restoration, the Ten Mile Beach / Haul Road projects has been completed, Loren Rex, Mendocino District Supervisor for State Parks, told Mendocino Rotarians on March 27.

The project was somewhat controversial because it involved a significant investment of tax dollars to remove pavement (mostly in ruins) once used as the main road for logging trucks between the forest and the Georgia Pacific Mill in Fort Bragg.

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Jody Stickles hams it up for the camera.

Rex said that between the remediation work to restore the environment (primarily sand dunes), coupled with recent rains and wind, you would never know the area was disturbed.

Pt Cabrillo Light Station State Historic Park has also gotten funding for improvements on buildings and fencing.  The work will soon be underway. He talked about planned improvements for the Big River area of Mendocino Headlands State Park.